Coffee Talk with ESCO Vol. 20 • Priscilla Ho
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Coffee Talk with ESCO Vol. 20 • Priscilla Ho

As the saying goes, “All work but no play makes Jack a dull boy.” In every volume, Coffee Talk with ESCO chats up our team to find out more about their passion off-work. We are excited to have Priscilla Ho, AVP, HR & Corporate Governance from Singapore to share with us about her passion for Yoga.

Hello, My name is Priscilla Ho!

AVP of HR and Corporate Governance, ESCO Singapore

I would describe myself as a causal yogi who is in for the long haul. The term ‘causal yogi’ is generally used on yoga practitioner who practices yoga less than a certain number weekly (the number is debatable). Since I have been practising yoga for almost 3 years now, I would like to think that it says something about my level of commitment. As much as possible, I try to practice yoga once or twice a week.

My interest in yoga started when I was in university, I was very inspired and impressed by the flexibility and strength in the movements of the yogis seen on Pinterest and Instagram. My weak attempts to imitate some of the poses via YouTube and so, convinced me that I was very much hopeless without a teacher. Hence, my first class began in 2017 and it was with YM. During this period, I was constantly checking out other schools and have tried out at least 4 different ones. I found my favourite school only early this year.

On an interesting note, I tried out Aerial Yoga. For the 5 classes that I have attended, I was almost on the verge of hyperventilation at the end of each lesson. Here’s a hopeless picture of me at Aerial Yoga. It’s nerve-wracking not having any contact with the ground and constant suspension or staying in an upside-down position.

In all, 3 years in and yoga has become a big part of my life. It has provided me the quiet sanctuary I seek in this hectic life, a little time-off and disconnection from what is happening around me and the moment in which I am focusing on me and myself only. It is a time of self-discovery, of healing and challenging my personal limits.

To end off, yoga is really about self-discovery and not about comparing or hitting the peak poses. Your practice will only get better, just show up on the mat and trust in the process. And let’s remember to celebrate the small successes.

Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self” – The Bhagavad Gita

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